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Rise and Shine: How to Wake up and Kickstart Your Day with a Fun and Effective Morning Routine

Rise and Shine: How to Wake up and Kickstart Your Day with a Fun and Effective Morning Routine

Starting your day intentionally can set the tone for the rest of your day and help you achieve your goals. Whether it's taking the time to meditate, setting intentions for the day, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee in silence, starting your day with intention can help you feel grounded and focused.

One way to start your day intentionally is to establish a morning routine. A morning routine can help you feel more productive and prepared for the day ahead.


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When creating your morning routine, there are several things to consider:

  1. Time constraint: Consider how much time you have in the morning and how much time you can realistically dedicate to your routine. It's best to start small and gradually build up to a longer routine over time.

  2. Personal preference: Consider your own personal preferences and what activities will make you feel the most energized and prepared for the day ahead. Some people prefer to exercise in the morning, while others prefer to meditate or practice yoga.

  3. Priorities: Reflect your priorities for the day, Week or Month and plan your routine to achieve them, for instance, if you have an important meeting today schedule some time to review your agenda or the material you will present.

  4. Flexibility: Remember that your morning routine should be flexible, not rigid. Some days you may have more time in the morning and some days you may have less. Be open to adjusting your routine as needed.

  5. Consistency: Try to be consistent with your morning routine. Establishing a routine and sticking to it can help make it a habit, making it easier to continue doing it.

  6. Positive reinforcement: Incorporate something into your routine that will make you happy, for example, having a cup of your favorite coffee or tea, it will motivate you to stick to your routine.

By keeping these things in mind, you can create a morning routine that works for you and helps you start your day off on the right foot.


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Here are a few ideas for a morning routine that you can try:

    • Wake up close to the same time every day to help regulate your circadian rhythm.
    • Make your bed as soon as you get up. This simple task can give you a sense of accomplishment and order in your life.
    •  Tongue scraping removes the buildup of bacteria, food debris, and dead cells on the surface of the tongue. It's a great way to help remove toxins and improve overall oral health.
    • Take a few minutes to meditate or practice deep breathing, preferably in a place you enjoy. Take in all the sights and sounds of the new day. This can help you feel more calm and focused. Tune in to how you're feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally so that you know how to nurture yourself throughout the day.
    • Visualise or write out a plan out your day and set your intentions for the day ahead. Be specific about how you'd like to show up for each task or interaction. Identify any tricky points and plan how you might navigate them in a way that aligns with your highest self.
    • Write a few words in your journal as a way to connect to, and reflect on your emotions and thoughts. Don't strive to write a novel, but to simply get anything out of your head and on to paper. Some days this might become a paragraph or two pages, but even one sentence is great. If you prefer not to write you could also record a voice message to yourself.
    • Exercise or do some form of movement to get your blood flowing, move stagnant energy, and connect to your physical form. Move in any way that feels welcome to you- fast, slow, non linear, vigorous, or a combination of things- with the intention to honor your body's needs. 
    • Eat a nourishing nutrient dense breakfast to fuel your body and mind, and drink plenty of water (tongue scraping should be done prior to eating and drinking). Savour the smells and tastes if you have time!

    It's also important to remember that not everyone's morning routine will look the same. Everyone has different time constraints and personal preferences. So, find what works for you and stick to it, you will see the benefits to start your day with intention.

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